Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 13 [Day 39] (Jim Davis) The temperature was -5C at 0730, rose to a high of 6C at 1400 and was 4C at 1900. Ground winds were very light or calm to 1100, N-NE 5-11 km/h to 1600 and thereafter very light or calm again. Ridge winds were initially moderate SW but became light to moderate NE-ENE in the afternoon with gusts not exceeding 35 km/h. Cloud cover was 20% altostratus with minor cirrus and cirrostratus to 1300 when it increased to 40%, between 1400 and 1600 it was 70% stratocumulus and cumulus, and after 1700 it was 100% stratus. Western ridges were clear to 1400, 80% occluded at 1700 and completely obscured at 1800; eastern ridges were clear to 1700 but progressively became enveloped in cloud and were completely covered at 1900. Steady snow started at 1840 and the count was terminated at 1900. A total of 33 raptors of a season high 8 species migrated between 1042 and and 1851 with a peak count of 10 birds between 1100 and 1200. The movement pattern was unusual with 26 of the birds appearing to the west and flying from Mount Allan or Mount Collembola to the NE, completely avoiding Mount Lorette and disappearing to the north of the Fisher Range. Only 4 birds moved on the Fisher Range, all after 1640, while the remaining birds flew north over the valley. The flight comprised 3 Bald Eagles (2a, 1j), 2 unaged Sharp-shinned Hawks, 2 Cooper's Hawks (1a, 1u), 2 adult Northern Goshawks, 7 adult calurus Red-tailed Hawks (6 light, 1 dark), 4 light morph Rough-legged Hawks, 1 unidentified dark morph Buteo, 10 Golden Eagles (4a, 2sa, 3j, 1u), 1 unidentified eagle and 1 columbarius Merlin of unknown sex and age. Other birds were also plentiful including 3 Tundra Swans, 2 Great Horned Owls flying in snow late in the day, a pair of Mountain Bluebirds, 70 American Robins, 3 Varied Thrushes, 654 Bohemian Waxwings in 3 flocks, an American Tree Sparrow and 3 Common Redpolls. There were also fresh tracks of 2 Canada Lynx near the site. 11.5 hours (447.82) BAEA 3 (170), SSHA 2 (18), COHA 2 (6), NOGO 2 (14), RTHA 7 (22), RLHA 4 (19), UB 1 (5), GOEA 10 (2916), UE 1 (11), MERL 1 (3) TOTAL 33 (3193)

Elaine”remained in the same area as reported on April 10 so it appears that she has finally reached her summer range.


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