Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 22 [Day 48] (Peter Sherrington) A cloudless sky, which persisted all day, allowed the temperature to fall to -12C at 0700, but it briefly rose to 6.5C at 1800 and was 6C the rest of the time between 1500 and the end of the day. Ground winds were calm or light SW-SE to 1110 after which they were consistently SW light to moderate gusting to 20 km/h, while ridge winds were moderate to strong SW gusting to 78 km/h by late afternoon. It is interesting (depressing?) to note that the snow cover and depth was very similar to what it was on March 1, the first day of the count. The last day of the count produced only a moderate raptor movement of 11 birds that moved between 1055 and 1613, comprising 1 subadult Bald Eagle, 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks (1a, 1u), 1 adult Northern Goshawk, 2 dark-morph Red-tailed Hawks (1 adult harlani and 1 of unknown race or age), 1 light Rough-legged Hawk and 4 juvenile Golden Eagles. Song birds were also scarce and included 11 American Robins and 100 Bohemian Waxwings, but it was delightful to end the count with what has been rare this spring: a relatively warm sunny day. 13 hours (556.07) BAEA 1 (192), SSHA 2 (41), NOGO 1 (17), RTHA 2 (45), RLHA 1 (40), GOEA 4 (2982) TOTAL 3362


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