Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 11 [Day 7] (Joel Duncan (0730-1000), Cliff Hansen (1000-1415), Peter Sherrington (1415-1845)) The temperature rose to a high of 1.5C at 1500 from a low of -13C, ground winds were light NNE-SE until 1100, SW 5-10 gusting 20 km/h to 1700 after which they were N-NE gusting to 10 km/h while ridge winds were strong SW to early afternoon after which they moderated but still gusted to 60 km/h. Cloud cover was 70-100% cumulus, stratocumulus and cirrus all day, and there was 5 cm of fresh snow early in the morning. A total of 4 Golden Eagles (2a, 2u) migrated high above the Fisher Range to Mount Lorette between 1504 and 1752 which may finally signal the start of a sustained migration. An American Robin perched on a gravel bar in the river next to an American Dipper at 1645 was the first of the season, and 3 Canada Lynx were seen by Jim Saint Laurent as he walked from the site to the parking lot at 1630. The “split shifts” for today’s observers were to facilitate our volunteering at a casino in Calgary along with 22 other RMERF members and supporters who have worked there over the last two days. We extend our thanks to all these dedicated volunteers and to our Treasurer, Claire Bourret, for initiating and organizing the event which should provide significant funding to support the Foundation’s work over the next two years. 11.25 hours (76.25) GOEA 4 (12) TOTAL 4 (20)


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