Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 3 [Day 1] (Cliff Hansen) Around 50 cm of fresh snow greeted Cliff on his arrival at the site, but it was almost cloudless, -19C with light ground winds. By 1300 the temperature had risen to 0C and was 1C at 1400, but then fell as developing cumulus and altocumulus cloud reached 50% at 1400 and 100% stratus at 1700 when snow started obscuring all peaks and ridges. Ground winds remained light all day, but ridge winds were moderate to strong WSW which should have provided favourable migration conditions before 1700. The day’s only migrant raptors, however, both occurred at 1210 when a juvenile Northern Harrier flew low to the north along the centre of the valley, while an adult Golden Eagle glided high to the north from the end of the Fisher Range. A female Moose was present at the site when the observers arrived and watched their activities with some bemusement for the following 4.5 hours. At 1700 the observers moved to the Lusk Creek site where weather conditions were better, but no further birds were seen. 10.25 hours (10.25) NOHA 1 (1), GOEA 1 (1) TOTAL 2 (2)


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