Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14 [Day 10] (Brian McBride) At 0815 it was -5C with 1 cm of fresh snow, but by noon the temperature had risen to 5C and remained there until 1700. Ground winds were strong S all day gusting to 70 km/h dropping to 50 km/h after 1700, and ridge winds were strong SW all day occasionally gusting to 150 km/h. Cloud cover was 100% altostratus and stratocumulus all day with the western ridges averaging 50% obscured while the eastern ridges essentially remained clear. The peaks and ridges to the south, however, were obscured all day and by 1700 all ridges were obscured as snow reached the site. The only migrant raptors seen were an unaged Golden Eagle at 1000 and adults at 1120 and 1124, but no other bird of any kind was recorded all day.8.75 hours (109.33) GOEA 3 (106) TOTAL 3 (214)


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